The Institutionalized Community Extension Services Program of Lyceum of Subic Bay (ICESP-LSB) is the office that shall facilitate the execution or implementation of the community development and outreach programs of the institution initiated by the recognized student organizations, various institution’s departments and offices. The ICESP-LSB is to serve therefore as the coordinating arm of various departments, and student organizations’ community services. This office shall facilitate the implementation of program and services that are geared towards empowering communities especially the group of people or people with felt need in the prospective adopted communities. The community empowerment covers the health-related services, as well as the psycho-educational, and selected socio-economic upliftment educative or training programs through small scale business seminars, entrepreneurship training, and livelihood programs as initiated by the designated departments. Environmental concern includes programs on environmental protection and preservation is likewise among its components.
The Institutionalized Community Extension Services Program of Lyceum of Subic Bay (ICESP-LSB) is the central office and coordinating center of the College for its Extension Service Program under the Office of Student Affairs and Services (OSAS). It shall serve as the coordinating arm of various departments, and student organizations’ community services. This office shall facilitate the implementation of program and services that geared towards empowering communities especially the group of people or people with felt need in the prospective adopted communities.
The ICESP-LSB, shall be the implementors of various outreach and development programs for the upliftment of the various prospective adopted communities. With the conception of this institutionalized community extension services program office, it is expected therefore that the different departments and students’ organizations shall be doing their share in rendering community service and implementing extension projects according to their respective capabilities, expertise, time availability and resources which shall be embedded among their proposed programs of activities per semester.
This office shall advise, monitor and evaluate community extension services activities of the college or specific department as it (college/department concerned) ties up with various linkages which shall include but not limited to the Local Government Units (LGUs), Government Line Agencies, and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs).
The major objective of this office is the formation of socially aware and responsible Lyceans who are both productive and proactive in recognizing and responding to the local and nearby communities’ needs.
Likewise, the aim of this office is to fulfill the institution’s mission-vision for educational excellence producing well rounded and productive Lyceans, enriching the quality of life for a better world of the now generation, through the institution’s partnership with marginalized communities. The program is a campus-wide task where the entire LSB community shall have the opportunity to respond actively by contributing their resources and expertise to the communities being served.
Specifically, the ICESP-LSB shall purport the implementation of the institution’s selected mission statements viz:
ICESP-LSB is dedicated in helping and assisting to improve the living conditions of indigents and the underprivileged in its prospective adopted communities. In the process, as an intercession, the ICESP-LSB, shall be instituting health and livelihood programs with Healthcare and College of Hospitality Management as initiators.
Health programs may come in an activity like free clinic and consultation with our in-house physician and highly qualified school nurse, alternative medicines, seminars, health training, breast feeding orientation and other health related endeavors.
The College of Business Education and Accountancy with the abled assistance of other institution’s departments as mentioned shall create programs for training for sustainability such as livelihood and entrepreneurship, these can be in the form of small carinderia, simple sari-sari store and other relevant livelihood projects.
The Office of Student Affairs and Services and Guidance Counseling Office respectively in close coordination with the Psychology Department shall administer counseling to some out-of-school young individuals to cope with their situations, ditto, the OSAS shall also encourage them to go back to school by offering scholarship grants such as PROJECT HELP (which is now in place) for incoming College students displaced by their impoverished situations.
ICESP-LSB is committed in being co-partner for helping, saving, protecting and preserving our environment, hence, environmental protection and preservation initiatives shall one of its components and programs. With the help of BS-Criminology, General Education and various recognized student organizations, initiatives with emphasis on ecological nurturance and environmental protections and preservations shall allow our prospective adopted community beneficiaries to learn and be educated through environmental preservation and protection measures training and orientation including rehabilitations education, this include regular competitions such as poster making, mural art, essay writing with scholarship grant as a prize to deserving students.
ICESP-LSB is committed in being co-partner generally for community sustainability. It shall encourage the spirit of volunteerism among members of the Lyceum Family in helping displaced individuals caused by untoward events, such as but not limited to natural calamities through it donation drives in respond to the urgent needs of the present situation which may come in a form of relief operation. The same shall encourage fund-raising campaign to assist the DepEd in their project “Brigada Eskwela” with the Basic Education on its forefront.
The Office of Student Affairs and Services and Guidance Counseling Office respectively in close coordination with the Psychology Department shall administer counseling to some out-of-school young individuals to cope with their situations, ditto, the OSAS shall also encourage them to go back to school by offering scholarship grants such as PROJECT HELP (which is now in place) for incoming College students displaced by their impoverished situations.
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